Dr. Nicholas Hamelin talks about neuromarketing at Narxoz
On August 29, 2019, NBS was privileged to host Dr. Nicholas Hamelin from SPJAIN global Sydney.
Dr. Hamelin holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Sussex University in the UK (1993), a M.Sc. in Environmental Management from Ulster University and a Ph.D. in Business from the Royal Docks Business School, University of East London. He worked as a research fellow for the City University of Hong Kong, the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter and the Energy Center of the Netherlands. In international business, he worked at ST-Ericsson within the Nokia BU, as a technical and strategic marketing manager.
Since 2007 he has been an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Al Akhawayn University, an associate professor and director of the neuroscience lab at SPJAIN global Sydney (Forbes ranks SP Jain Global among world’s top 5 one year MBAs). He is the founder of Intuitive Mind at Singapore based neuroscience startup.
Dr. Hamelin has also a diploma in TV journalism from INA (Institut National de l audiovisuel in Paris) and is an in-country analyst for Euromonitor International, a London based global marketing research agency.
Dr. Hamelin main research interests are in the fields of Neuro Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Social Marketing, and Environmental Management.
Dr. Hamelin has shared his latest research in the area of consumer behavior. Dr. Hamelin argues that persuasive storytelling is an essential tool for propagandists, publicists, and corporations. In his research, he claims that storytelling styles have been examined for their effectiveness in term of attitude change and retention.